TYM Tractors
Now stocking quality TYM Tractors and parts
TYM Tractors in Devon and Cornwall
As of July 2023, Penen Services have been able to stock and sell quality TYm Tractors and outdoor equipment. If you have a TYM Tractor that needs any servicing, please bring it to our new repair center, beside our showroom, in Moretonhampstead, Devon. Alternatively, if you require a quality TYM Tractor or parts, please call in or contact us direct.

Our Service Guarantee
Penen Agricultural Services pride themselves on their customer service and quality of products. All of our equipment undergoes a thorough safety and mechanical check. You can rest assured that you are receiving quality equipment at the best price and that you’ll be looked after Penen Agricultural Services.
Opening Times
Monday to Friday 8 - 5
Saturdays 8.30 - 12
Out-of-hours demos and appointments by arrangement.